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Pre Order Cards EN

Project Updates, Cards in Common and a Holiday Gift
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This email contains purchase and pricing information for the C@RDS in COMMON game, information concerning the first round of Montréal, Europe and US shipments and a free report on the potential of badges in Fab Labs.

Please note that if you are receiving this email in both languages it is because I did not know which language to communicate with you in; please update your language preferences by replying to this email with either “FRANCAIS” or “ENGLISH” to resolve this issue. Thanks! 


Just in time for the Holidays!

Hello everyone!
Good News! Canadian, American and European commoners will get a change to order their copy of the coproduced card game “C@RDS in COMMON” just in time for the holidays!

Not only that but this first publication will only cost you as much as it costs us to produce and ship it to you. No profit, no extra fees, just the game, in your hands, as affordably as we can make it!

More than 50 participants helped us create over 250 cards during the World Social Forum 2016. A selection from these cards lead to the creation a game which we are very now very proud of. 

Are you ready to play a game about the commons?

Cards in Common is a game of political collaboration where 2 to 5 players work together to mobilize civil society strong enough to defend civil liberties and the commons. Will you succeed at preventing the erosion of the Commons or will you let enclosure acts complet their world takeover?
Here are some useful links regarding our game 

Facebook page
Website (temporary) 
Online store page (TBD) 



For Montrealers, the game is evaluated to cost 35$.
It will arrive in town around the 12th of December and shall be available for pick up as a hand off from me to you 🙂 
If you wish to order your copy, you’ll need to send me an email before the 7th of December by clicking the button bellow. Please note that to make a Montreal order, I will require a etransfer of the game’s cost before placing your order. 
Email me!


In Europe, the game is expected to cost around 35 Euros  (details TBD after the package arrives around the 15th of December in case their are additional charges at the borders) 
Europeans will have to email our friends at Gazibo to place their orders, also before December 8th.
Email them now!


For people who want to order the game from the US, your situation is considerably different. 
You guys will have the chance to order the game yourselves from a online website URL that is NOT READY YET starting on December 18th. Once this website will be opened for orders, it will be possible for your to order the game for 22.99 US and receive it within 2 to 3 days with a shipping option that costs around 7$. 
If you’d like to be kept informed as to when you can order the cards yourselves, please send me an email by hitting the button bellow and I’ll make sure to remind you once they are ready. 
Stay informed on US Orders

A Holiday Gift!

On another note, I recently facilitated a creative conversation that explored the potential of using badges as a means to track competencies and learning opportunities in fab labs.
I made a report on it and I wanted to give it to you as my holiday present 🙂
(Heads up though! it’s in french only :/ sorry to those who won’t be able to use it.)
Free Download
Thank you so much for everything!
I hope you have yourselves a great holiday season.


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